Tuesday, November 26, 2019

German Names for Pets - Haustiernamen

German Names for Pets - Haustiernamen If you want a cool German name for your dog, cat or other pet, this list can help you find the right one. While people in German-speaking countries sometimes name their pets with English names, this list includes only German or Germanic pet names. Inspirations for German Pet Names Literary Germanic names include  Kafka, Goethe, Freud (or Siggi/Sigmund) and Nietzsche. Famous Germanic music figures include  Amadeus,  Mozart or Beethoven.  The names of German pop singers like Falco (who was Austrian), Udo Lindenberg, or Nena are also popular for pets. The names of figures out of German literature include  Siegfried (m.) or Kriemhild (f.) from the Nibelungenlied, or  Goethes Faust versus Mephistopholes. On the lighter side, you could go with Idefix, the dog in the popular European Asterix cartoon series, the rotund Obelix character or the hero Asterix himself. Germanic names or words with a certain meaning include  Adalhard (noble and strong), Baldur (bold), Blitz (lightning, fast), Gerfried (spear/peace), Gerhard (strong spear), Hugo (smart), Heidi (based on feminine names containing heid or heide; Adelheid noble one), Traude/Traute (dear, trusted) or Reinhard (decisive/strong). Although few Germans today would be caught dead with such names, theyre still great pet names. Other categories for pet names include movie characters (Strolch, Tramp in The Lady and the Tramp), colors (Barbarossa [red], Lakritz[e] [licorice, black], Silber, Schneeflocke [snowflake]), drinks (Whisky, Wodka) and other characteristics of your pet. German Cat Names Just as with dogs, there are some typical, clichà ©d names for cats. The German equivalent of kitty is Mieze or Miezekatze (pussycat). Muschi is a very common cat name, but since it carries all the same meanings as pussy in English, you need to be careful about throwing it into a German conversation. But theres nothing wrong with the word as a name for your cat. One top-10 list of cat names in German ranked the following feline appellations: Felix, Minka, Moritz, Charly, Tiger (tee-gher), Max, Susi, Lisa, Blacky, and Muschi, in that order. Some lists also include names for couples or pairs (Prchen), such as Max und Moritz (from the Wilhelm Busch stories), Bonnie und Clyde or Antonius und Kleopatra.   Alphabetical List of German Pet Names Names ending in -chen, -lein, or -li are diminutives (little, y-ending in English). Although most are just names (e.g., Beethoven, Elfriede, etc.), in some cases the English meaning for a German name is indicated: Adler (eagle).   Names for females are marked (f.). Other names are masculine or work with both genders. Names marked * are usually for cats. A AbboAchimAdalheid/Adelheid (f.)AdiAdler (eagle)AframAgatha/Agathe (f.)Aico/AikoAladinAloisAmadeus (Mozart)AmbrosAnka (f.)Annelies (f.)Antje (f.)ArndtArnoAsterixAttilaAxel B BachBeethoven, BrahmsBaldoBaldurBalkoBr/Brchen (bear)Brbel (f., pron. BEAR-bel)Brli (little bear)Beate (f., pron. bay-AH-tuh)Bello (barker)Bengel (rascal, lad)BennoBerndBernhardBertolt (Brecht)Biene (bee, pron. BEE-nuh)Bismarck, Otto vonBlaubart (bluebeard)Blitz (lightning)Blà ¼mchen (f., little flower)Bà ¶hnchen (beanie)Boris (Becker)BrandyBrechtBritta (f.)Brummer (roarer)Brunhild(e) (from Wagnerian opera and the Germanic Nibelungenlied legend) C Carl/KarlCarlchenCsar (Caesar, Kaiser)Charlotta/Charlotte (f.)Cissy (Sissi) (f.) D Dagmar (f.)DierkDina (f.)DinoDirk(A-)Dur (A major, music)Dux/Duxi E Edel (noble)EgonEigerEikeEisbrEitelElfriede/Elfi/Elfie (f.)ElmarEmilEngel (angel)Engelchen/Engelein (little angel) F FabianFabio/FabiusFalco/FalkoFalk (hawk)Falka (f.)Fanta (f.)Fatima (f.)Fantom (ghost, phantom)Faust/FaustoFee (f., fairy, pron. FAY)Felicitas/Felizitas (f.)Felidae* (loyal, true)Felix (Mendelssohn)Fels (rock)Ferdi, FerdinandFidelio (Beethoven opera)Fix (und Foxi, cartoon characters)Flach (flat)Flegel (brat)Flocke/Flocki (fluffy)Floh (flea)Flà ¶hchen (little flea)FlorianFokusFoxi (f.)FrancisFranzFreda (f.)Freja (f.)Freud (Sigmund)Frida (f.)Fritz (Freddy)Fuzzi (sl., weirdo) G Gabi (f.)Gauner (rascal, rogue)Genie (genius, pron. ZHUH-nee)Gertrud(e)der Gestiefelte Kater*Puss in BootsGoethe, Johann WolfgangGolo (Mann)Gà ¶tzGreif (griffin)Gà ¼nther (Grass, German author) H HagenHaiko/HeikoHalka (f.)Halla (f.)Handke, PeterHannesHannoHansHnsel (und Gretel)Haro/HarroHassoHeinrich (Henry)Hein(o)HeintjeHektorHelge (Schneider, m.)HeraHexe/Hexi (f., witch)HeydaHilgerHolgerHoraz I Idefix (from Asterix comic)IgnazIgorIlka (f.)Ilsa (f.)IngoIxi J Jan (m.)Janka (f.)JankoJohann(es), Hansi (Johnny)Joshka (Fischer, German politician)Julika (f.) K Kaffee (coffee)Kafka, FranzKai (pron. KYE)Kaiser (emperor)Kaiser WilhelmKarl/CarlKarla (f.)Karl der Große (Charlemagne)Kà ¶nig (king)Kà ¶nigin (f., queen)Krà ¶te (toad, minx)Krà ¼mel (little one, crumb)Krà ¼melchenKuschiKuschel (cuddles) L Landjunker (squire)Lausbub (rascal)LasterLaika (f., first dog in space - Russian name)LenaLeni (Riefenstahl, f., film director)Liebling (darling, sweetheart)Lola (rennt, f.)Lotti/Lotty (f.)LukasLulu (f.)Là ¼mmelLump(i) (rogue, blackguard)Lutz M Maja/Maya (f.)ManfredMargit (f.)Marlene (Dietrich, f.)Max (und Moritz)MeikoMiau* (meow)Miesmies*Mieze*Mina/Minna (f.)MischaMonika (f.)Moppel (tubby)MoritzMotte (moth)Murr*Muschi*Muzius* N Nana (granny, f.)Nena (f.)Nietzsche, FriedrichNina (f.)Nixe (mermaid, sprite)Norbert O Obelix (from Asterix comic)Odin (Wodan)OdoOrkan (hurricane)OskarOssi (und Wessi)OtfriedOttmarOtto (von Bismarck)Ottokar P PalaPanzer (tank)Papst (pope)PaulchenPestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (Swiss educator)Piefke  Ã‚  Piefke is Austrian or Bavarian slang for a Prussian or northern German, similar to the term gringo used by Mexicans.Platon (Plato)Poldi (male nickname)Prinz (prince)Purzel(baum) (somersault, tumble) Q QuaxQueck R ReikoRolfRomy (Schneider, f.)Rudi/Rà ¼diRà ¼diger S Schatzi (sweetie, treasure)SchnuffiSchuftiSchupo (cop)SebastianSemmelSiegfried (from Wagnerian opera and the Germanic Nibelungenlied legend)SiggiSigmund (Freud)Sigrid (f.)Sigrun (f.) (Wagner opera)Sissi (f.)Steffi (Graf, f.)Sternchen (little star)Susi (und Strolch)  Ã‚  German names for Disneys Lady and the Tramp T Tanja (f.)Traude/Traute (f.)TraugottTristan (und Isolde)Trudi (f.) U Udo (Lindenberg)UfaUli/UlliUlrichUlrike (f.)Ursula (Andress, f.)Uschi (f.)Uwe V ViktorViktoria (f.)Volker W WaldiWaldtraude/Waldtraut (f.)WhiskyWilhelm/WilliWolf (pron. VOLF)Wolfgang (Amadeus Mozart)Wotan (Odin)Wurzel Z Zack (pow, zap)Zimper-PimpelZoschZuckerl (sweetie)Zuckerpuppe (sweetie pie)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mecca - Holy Pilgrimage Site for Muslims

Mecca - Holy Pilgrimage Site for Muslims The Islamic religions holiest city of Mecca (also known as Mekka or Makkah) is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its importance as a holy city for Muslims harks back to it being the birthplace of the founder of Islam, Mohammed. The prophet Mohammed was born in Mecca, located approximated 50 miles from the Red Sea port city of Jidda, in the year 571 CE. Mohammed fled to Medina, now also a holy city, in the year 622 (ten years prior to his death). Muslims face Mecca during their daily prayers and one of the key tenets of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a Muslims life (known as Hajj). Approximately two million Muslims arrive in Mecca during the last month of the Islamic calendar for the Hajj. This influx of visitors requires a great deal of logistical planning by the Saudi government. Hotels and other services in the city are stretched to the limit during the pilgrimage. The holiest site within this holy city is the Great Mosque. Within the Great Mosque sits the Black Stone, a large black monolith that is central to worship during the Hajj. In the Mecca area are several additional sites where Muslims worship. Saudi Arabia is closed to tourists and Mecca itself is off limits to all non-Muslims. Roadblocks are stationed along roads leading to the city. The most celebrated incident of a non-Muslim visiting Mecca was the visit by the British explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton (who translated the 100 stories of the Arabian Knights and discovered the Kama Sutra) in 1853. Burton disguised himself as an Afghani Muslim to visit and write Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al Madinah and Mecca. Mecca sits in a valley surrounded by low hills; its population is approximately 1.3 million. Although Mecca is definitely the religious capital of Saudi Arabia, remember that the Saudi political capital is Riyadh.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Post-Communist Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Post-Communist Countries - Essay Example According to the essay "Post-Communist Countries" findings, the United States could not intervene knowing how aggressive Russia was and could end up turning on to America. But the U.S president in 2005, George W. Bush, encouraged Mr. Saakashvili to continue with his plans and take heart. Georgian and Russian relations had been on the rocks from the time Russia assisted Ossetia to break away from Georgian rule. This relationship could not be mended since Russia saw Georgia as a threat because Georgia was the only former soviet state willing to stand against Russia in the face of war. The war between these two countries contributed the good relationship that Russia and Georgia have now. Both countries have also experienced good economic balancing due to their ability to produce oil which is an import resource which attracts the west. Countries like the US have also reaped from this peaceful conditions leading to prosperity. Moreover, Poland and the US have also shared good political re lations. In 2007, the US had plans to construct an anti-ballistic missile defense in Poland. However, Russia perceived this as a threat and reacted by testing intercontinental ballistic missile. Irrespective of these countries size, Poland had the highest population density followed by Bulgaria. Ironically, Russia had the least population density something that can be traced to its economic power. From this data, it is evident that countries with the highest population densities suffered economically.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Technology and Social Media Communication Analysis Essay

Technology and Social Media Communication Analysis - Essay Example Analysis of Various Technologies and Social Media Communication Tools The conception of social media can be defined as an effective process of communicating with other. It is often viewed to be a medium of social interaction. The various technologies for communication include televisions, computer systems along with the medium of internet and mobile phones (The states of Queensland, 2006). Conversely, the various tools of social media comprise different online websites such as Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and Facebook among others (The International Association of Assessing Officers, 2009). Intended Purpose of Using Technologies and Social Media Communication Tools The major purpose of using different technologies and social media communication tools is to build effective communication with different users in the community. The technologies and the different social media tools can be viewed as effective business tools for several organizations by which they can promote their valuable pro ducts by a significant level (Brand Protect Inc., 2010). . Strength One of the chief strengths of employing various technologies and different social media tools is that these aspects possess greater accessibility of varied information. It has been apparently observed that the different business organization use the tools of social media for growing their brand awareness, improving sales and most importantly attaining significant competitive position over the chief business market competitors. Thus, it can be stated that the different tools related to social media strengthens the financial viability of the organizations (Brand Protect Inc., 2010). Weakness One of the chief weaknesses of using effective technologies and different tools of social media is time consumption. The tools might take much time to navigate the required information relating to any subject matter (Brand Protect Inc., 2010). Ethical Consideration With regard to the ethical consideration, the business corporation s along with the government should remain much conscious about the misuse of different tools of social media that might impose unfavorable effects upon the community (Eid, 2009). Existing Norms and Protocols One of the significant norms of social media is maintaining the privacy of accessing different information of the users. The various business organizations or the individuals should prioritize this important social norm concerning privacy as well as protecting their respective profiles in order to share their information in an organized manner (Talking Climate, 2012). In relation to the social norms, it has been viewed that one of the major protocols of social media is registration. In this similar context, the business organizations should follow the Code of Conduct relating to social norms while performing business operational functions. Moreover, the legislations such as the ‘Data Protection Act 1998’, ‘Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000’ an d ‘Telecommunications Regulations 2000’ can act as significant protocols for social media. These protocols relating to social media facilitate investigating and detecting the unauthorized usage of different telecommunication systems such as internet usage. The business organizations or any individuals are advised to follow the social media norms as well as protocols in order to share

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Successful Leadership in Management Essay Example for Free

Successful Leadership in Management Essay Successful Leadership in Management = Training Scott Miller Principals of Management Abstract Although leadership and management are two different things, it takes both in order to be a truly good manager. Leadership is described as the process by which an individual exerts influence over other people and inspires, motivates, and directs their activities to help achieve group or organizational goals whereas management is described as the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of human and other resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively (Jones George, 2009). Maslow states that â€Å"To understand and motivate people, you must know human nature. † Human nature is the common qualities of all human beings. People behave according to certain principles of human nature (Mazlow, 1986). Managers, in general, have the ability to do one or the other of these things but a good manager will be able to do both successfully. According to Sam Allman, leadership changes the world and management maintains it (Allman, 2009). Sometimes it is not enough to simply manage to make a company succeed and a person can be a leader but they can fail without proper direction. Training is plays an important part for any manager because the more they learn the better they can do their job. Taking a look at both leadership and management may help to improve a manager’s skills and make them a better all around manager. According to Allman, leadership changes the world and management maintains it. Successful Leadership in Management = Training First, we take a good look at leadership, which is considered a critical management skill. A leader needs to be able to inspire their workers to achieve higher levels of teamwork. There are certain things that a leader must know and be able to do. These things do not always come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they do not rest on their laurels. Unfortunately, according to an article by Bill Joiner, only about ten percent of managers have mastered the level of agility needed for consistently effective leadership in today’s world economy. The leadership reference guide that Mr. Joiner uses in his article shows four levels and three types of agility (Joiner, 2009). Although this is only one perspective of leadership, a lot of work and research was done to obtain the results shown. It suggests that there is still much training needed for about ninety percent of managers in the business community today. A good leader will know how to motivate their employees so that they can get the most out of them. Through positive reinforcement such as positive feedback, incentives, bonuses, or even company events a manager can improve employee morale and production greatly (Jones George, 2009). Since leadership is not always a natural thing for managers, it is important for most major companies to train them. Leadership training can be done through seminars, retreats, workshops, or even motivational speakers. Even those who are in the office and never deal with customers need to deal with co-workers or employees. Now we can take a look at the importance of good management. In every large organization, theres a hierarchy of management that keeps the whole operation running smoothly. As with leadership, there are certain things that a manager must know and be able to do. Management is also a skill that can be learned. Many managers learn their trade on the job. They work their way up the corporate ladder. A manager can be good at planning, organizing, and leading effectively but not efficiently or the other way around. Training sessions or going back to school, help the manager improve their skills so that they may do a better job for their company (Jones ; George, 2009). In my opinion, managers should be like children, always curious to learn something new. As the world of business changes the manager does also. One example of bad management was shown by Avon when their stocks plunged in 2006. At the same time we can show good management by the way that Andrea Jung took action to correct the problems and got Avon back on track (Jones ; George, 2009). Although a company can grow to worldwide proportions, there still needs to be strong management team in place to keep things going with all members around the globe focused on the same organizational goals. This case shows that no matter how large a ompany gets, it needs to train all of its managers to follow the same path toward the company’s overall goals or it could collapse. U. S. businesses now have too many leaders who are detached from the messy process of managing (Mintzberg, 2009). There are many ways to be a successful manager but it all starts and ends with training. Leaders may know how to lead but not know how to manage. The same goes for managers. They may now how to ma nage but have no idea how to lead. The key to great management is to find a balance of both skills. Every manager needs to learn to lead their employees properly to achieve the most efficient and effective organizational goals. Managers need to be able to adapt to any situation without alienating anyone or losing sight of the company’s goals. With more and more companies changing the way they do business it will benefit any manager to become a people person. For years, managers went in to work and barked out orders or directions but today they must have more finesse. They need to know how to act and speak with their employees so that they can get the most out of them. It is my opinion that the best way to do this is to keep the employee happy and that managers can improve their ability to empower others by focusing on their own personal development. These things can be accomplished effectively and efficiently through proper training. As Stanford University emeritus professor James G. March put it: Leadership involves plumbing as well as poetry. Instead of distinguishing leaders from managers, we should encourage all managers to be leaders (Mintzberg, 2009). References Jones, G. , ; George, J. 2009). Contemporary Management, SIXTH edition. Magraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY 2009. Allman, S. (October 2009). Leadership vs. Management, Retrieved December 11, 2009, from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Synesthesia :: Biology Medical Medicine Research

In the mornings, my cat often takes up a post on my chest. His presence is heralded by a chirpy meow and four quarter-sized points of pressure where his feet make contact; as he relaxes, he settles into a loud, rhythmic purr, and the pressure of his 16 pounds is more evenly distributed across my ventral torso. If I'm slow to open my eyes, he reaches out a paw and gently pricks my face with his claws †¹ enough to make an impression but not do real damage. When I do open my eyes, I see the triangles of his ears, the dense, velvety blackness of his fur and the sheen of his nose; his yellow irises are thin rings around his dilated pupils in the dim, early light. Suppose I experienced all of those sensations up to the point of opening my eyes †¹ the pressure of my cat's weight and the pricks of his claws, his meowing and his purr †¹ and then I opened my eyes to the absence of any visual evidence of a cat. I'd be confused and disoriented, and if the tactile and auditory stimuli continued, probably panicky. A fundamental reworking of how I understand the world would be necessary to account for an invisible cat. Now suppose that the next time I heard guitar music, I failed to perceive a soft brushing sensation around my ankles. It would not bother me a bit. But for Carol Crane, a guitar that didn't affect her ankles might provoke the same sort of confusion and anxiety an invisible cat would induce in me. To Crane, the ankle-brushing sensation has always been an integral part of guitar music, just as violins always act upon her face and trumpets on the back of her neck. Crane has a rare condition called synesthesia, in which a stimulus usually perceived in one sensory modality produces a sensation in one or more other sensory modalities. (1). Synesthesia has many forms †¹ synesthetes may taste shapes or feel odors, for instance, or perceive alphanumeric characters in particular colors. Synesthetic perceptions are involuntary and are reliably triggered by the phenomena that induce them. They are also consistent over time for a given synesthete; that is, a true synesthete for whom the musical note E produces a percept of red triangles on a field of yellow will invariably experience that sound that way.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Teenage Prostitution

Teenage Prostitution â€Å"I had been sleeping on a park bench for three nights†¦. The fourth night†¦I met a man named Troy, who was really good to me at first†¦. Little did I know that my problems were about to begin† (Flowers 108). Prostitution can be a dangerous and scarce lifestyle for many teenage girls, but exists within the United States. These girls grow up very quickly and their innocence may be shattered through this profession, but many lack the knowledge of the true meaning behind prostitution. Teenage girls who prostitute in America are living very dangerous lifestyles through this profession and face detrimental experiences in their young lives. A Prostitute is one who involves herself in sexual activity for pay (Webster 518). There are many aspects to prostitution including the prostitutes themselves, the pimps, and the johns. The pimps are generally men who get customers for their prostitutes as a means of making money for themselves ( Flowers 121). The Johns are the people who pay a prostitute for sexual activity. These men are the prostitute’s customers, and the men who provide the money for the pimps and prostitutes. (Flowers 125). The exact number of teenage prostitutes is never clear, however, it is estimated that there are more than 300,000 teenagers in the United States, who are exposed to prostitution (Vincent). For teenage girls in America the average age to begin prostituting is by the age of fourteen years old. It is estimated that at least one fifth of all the prostitutes on the streets are teenage girls. As many as ninety percent of these girls were charmed and pressured into selling sexual favors by a pimp. Another twenty percent of these girls were runaways, becoming prostitutes through their association with other street children and teenage prostitutes. In most cases, these young girls are recruiting for their pimps (Flowers, 108-109) There are many teenage girls in prostitution, but one of the most frequently asked questions is: What kinds of girls are subjected to prostitution? The kinds of girls that are prostituting are some who have broken homes, an abusive history, a promiscuous mother, bad relationships with one or both parents, and a history of running away, which is the biggest aspect leading a girl into the life of prostitution (Vincent). Commonly one might assume that a young prostitute would come from a lower class environment. However, there has been much research that has shown a mix of results with the relationship between teenage prostitution and class. Studies, which involve higher samples, have found that many of these adolescent female prostitutes come from middle to upper class families. In one of recent samples of teenage prostitutes, they found that seventy percent of these girls were from average to above average income levels. Most of these girls have come from families characterized by divorce, separation, and pure dysfunction (Flowers 111). Contrary to these results, teenage prostitution can come from many different types of families and income status’. â€Å"Some of these girls come from loving homes. Others have fled sexual abuse at home or fallen into drug addiction† (Pulkinnen). The girls who prostitute are usually ones that run away from home, because of a bad home life. Teenage girls usually run away from home due to an unstable family situation including: physical or sexual abuse, absence of one or both of the parents, poverty, or drug abuse. Some runaways leave because of school problems, sexual identity issues, peer pressure, boredom, or even mental illnesses. Many runaway teenagers are actually thrown out of their home or abandoned by their parent or guardians. Lastly, there is the group of runaways that leave home for the thrill, adventure, sexual experiences, or lured by others through the Internet (Flowers 57). One of the biggest problems with prostitution is the male pimp involved. Pimps play a crucial role in the dynamics of teenage prostitution. Most of the girls who enter into the prostituting world are persuaded by the powers of a pimp. Many of the girls who are persuaded by Pimps are the ones who are insecure, have a low self-esteem, and ones who are starved for the attention of a male. Often pimps will not go for the girls who are secure and confident with themselves, but seek out girls who are unattractive, highly insecure, and not what they see as â€Å"sexy† (Flowers 120-121). That’s common. Girls who are starved of self-esteem finally meet a man who showers them with gifts, drugs and dollops of affection. That, and a lack of alternative, keeps them working for them—and if that isn’t enough, he shoves a gun in the girl’s mouth and threatens to kill her† (Kristof). Pimps have many aspects to their jobs. The first part of their job is recruit ing girls, sending other prostitutes to do the work. They call these girls â€Å"Runners. † Pimps may recruit themselves, but safer with the law enforcement if others do it for them. Runners scour bus and train stations, shopping malls, coffee shops, arcades, street corners, and anywhere that a runaway or a lost kid would hang out. Looking hungry, disheveled, confused, distant, scared, disoriented, or just in need of a friend, prospects for sex workers are usually easy to spot. Some of these runaway girls are from broken homes, easy for the pimp to be the caring adults who are willing to be everything the girl never had at home. Winning over the girls’ hearts, pimps make these girls feel confident, loved, and a sense of loyalty. Flowers 120-121). When the pimps have these young teenage girls, their next job is to flatter them. Many pimps to this day are younger and are associated to what is â€Å"hip†, looking as if they have a lot of money. Girls quickly become excited by the idea of having a man buy them gifts, provide food for them, and feel that sense of love and attention that the pimp gives them. Now that the pimp has won over his girl, he may pressure her into prostituting, force her, or make her feel obligated to do so as a means of making her ends meet (Vincent). The pimp has a job to do and that is to make sure the prostitute is bringing in money and that the prostitute does not leave him. Many of these times the pimps will force the girls to work everyday of the week, and typically take every penny the girl earns (Pulkinnen). Pimps violence is very common among prostitutes and once a girl becomes part of a pimps stable she is subjected to his rules, regulations, and manipulations. Many of the incidents where there is violence from the pimps are by verbal abuse, physical abuse, rape, and threats to keep the girls from not leaving (Flowers 122). Jasmine, an African-American former prostitute, was a victim of abuse by her pimp. Leaving her abusive home at the age of thirteen, Jasmine stayed with her pimp because of the manipulation. â€Å"If you say something you’re not supposed to, you get beat. If you stay too long with a customer, you get beat. And if you try to leave the Pimp, you get beat. † (Kristof). Teenage prostitutes may carry a number of physical health risks. Some of these health hazards include: bodily harm, internal injuries, drug and alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, eating and sleeping disorders, pregnancy, and suicide. Many teenage prostitutes fail to eat correctly and lack a balanced diet. Instead of using their money towards proper nutrition, some use their money for alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. Due to multiple sex partners they are at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases as well including: gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B, and HIV/AIDS infection. One in three teenage prostitutes do not use any form of protection against these diseases. Half of all female teenage prostitutes have been pregnant at least once (Flowers 90). Along with their physical health, teenage prostitutes deal with a lot of mental health issues as well. Some of these health hazards include: depression, personality disorders, thought disorders, and risk of suicide. Personality disorders are used to turn on and off personalities to clients. These are survival mechanisms to attract new clients, or to avoid criminal records. Clinical depression is a huge health risk for teenage prostitutes. These teenagers are twice as likely to have a serious mental disorder. Lastly, suicide is one of the biggest factors that plays in with teenage prostitutes. Seven out of ten girl prostitutes have tried to commit suicide due to depression and the unbearable realities of their profession (Flowers 90-91). Teenage Prostitutes not only endure these health hazards, but face the major risk of being arrested, and may be charged on different accounts. Many teenagers involved with prostitution are arrested for related offenses including: being a runaway, drug problems, theft, alcohol laws, and curfew. Many of these girls are arrested multiple times, returning to sell their bodies for food, shelter, drugs or money. The older teenage girl prostitutes are more likely to be arrested, than boy prostitutes and younger teenagers. Teenage prostitutes are also way more likely to become arrested than their customers and their pimps (Flowers 103-104). Prostitution is a dangerous profession, especially for a teenage girl who is still discovering who she is. There are many obstacles that a teenager must go through in this profession, and many face harm on a daily basis. Whether it is from their pimps, their clients, law enforcement, bodily and mental health hazards, they are facing them frequently. One might agree with the idea that it is a terrible profession, or others might presume it’s a matter of choice and lifestyle. Whether it be the case, prostitution is illegal and teenage prostitutes are put in harms way through this hazardous lifestyle, and jeopardizing their youth. â€Å"They’re people. They’re girls. They should be worrying about what they’re wearing to their high school dance and not whether they’re going to bring in quota† (Pulkinnen). Work Cited Flowers, Barri. Runaway Kids and Teenage Prostitution. Connecticut: Praeger. 001. Print. Kristof Nicholas. â€Å"Girls on our Streets: [Op-Ed]. † New York Times. 7 May 2009, Late Edition (East Coast). Banking Information Source, Proquest. Web. 5 April 2010. â€Å"Prostitute. † Webster’s New World Dictionary. New York. 1999. 518. Print. Pulkkinen, Levi. â€Å"Child Prostitution out of Shadows in Seattle. † Seattlepi. com 13 Jan. 2010, ProQuest Newsstand , ProQuest. Web. 5 Apr. 2010 Vincent, Karen. â€Å"Teenage Prostitution- A serious Issue in the United States. † Ezine Articles. Ezine Articles, n. d. Web. 7 April 2010.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Today, the process of globalization has created relationships with other countries. To communicate with other countries need a common language. English has become the most popular language and binds people. * Language is an important part of human life + Language shows the development of human. + Through language human can communicate, exchange information and convey experiences. + show feeling and save information + help to develop mind * English is the most common language in the world. + many countries use English as their mother tongue essay writers online. many countries choose English to teach at school as foreign language + The Industrial Revolution that began in England and spread to other countries. English was spread, too. + know English you can communicate with many people in over the world + through English, people can study about cultural, traditional, law, history of other countries. + make friend and study at someone in other country. +set of economic and diplomatic re lation uith the countries of the world. + break the language barrier So, try to learn english better: study more vocabularies, gramma, practise english skill.English has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of better understanding Which language do you think has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of better understanding among the people of the world? The human race is divided by a multiplicity of languages, many of which have come to play an important part in the affairs of the world. A little reflection reveals that the importance of a language is associated mainly with the ideas and knowledge it contains. The more ideas a language can convey to the people of the world, the more it will be used by people everywhere.Thus, the language that is used most extensively is the language that makes the greatest contribution to human progress and mutual understanding between people. It cannot be denied that today the most widely used language is the English language. There are few countries in which this language is not understood or used. Even the countries which preached hatred for everything English, including the English language, during their struggle for  independence  from British rule such as India, found it difficult to dispense with this language after they became independent.Therefore, they not only continued to use English in all spheres of public activity but also began to encourage the use and study of the English language as means of achieving national progress and unity. These efforts on the part of the various countries of the world convey an idea of the importance of the English language. It would be instructive, however, to consider the reason for the extensive use of the English language. One of the reasons is that several countries in the world have been occupied mainly by immigrants from England such as the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand.It is therefore not surprising that the people of such countri es have continued to use the English language, though they have severed their independent status, for one cannot discard one’s language easily. Another reason is that, in the course of history, a large number of countries throughout the world came directly under British rule, where English was made the main language for administrative, commercial and all other purposes. As the leading colonial power in the world, England has indeed exerted a profound influence on the affairs of the world, though its colonial possessions are rapidly becoming independent one after the other.Concomitantly, the English language too has come to play a leading role in international communication. Thus, many people whose native language is not English have studied English and become more conversant with English than with their own languages. This is especially true with the leaders of the people to whom English is a foreign language. As a result, the English language is used by them not only in the administration of their countries but also in all their institutions of higher learning.The most important reason for the pre-eminence of the English language, however, is that it is the source of all knowledge. The Industrial Revolution that began in England and spread to other countries revealed the English genius for invention. Even the political and social institutions of England, which were affected tremendously by the Industrial Revolution, have evoked the admiration of all countries. The knowledge, ideas, experiences and profound thoughts of the English people have made a deep impression on the minds of the people of other countries.Innumerable books have been written in the English language on all branches of study, and such is the thirst of English scholars for knowledge and their desire to communicate it, that they have even translated books of great value from other language to English for the benefit of all. Writers of other nationalities too have written a great number of books in English and made a substantial contribution to the enrichment of the English language. As a result of all these efforts, the English language has become the main avenue to the greatest storehouse of information.Therefore, people everywhere have developed a special respect for the language and they continue to learn it with avidity. As the English language is used so extensively, it is mainly in this language that the people of the world communicate with and understand one another. No other language has such a wide appeal. In my opinion, it is the English language that has made the greatest contribution to the promotion of the better understanding among the people of the world. NEW WORDS: 1. multiplicity (n): vo s? 2. mutual (adj): qua l? i, l? n nhau 3. preach (v): ch? truong, thuy? giao 4. immigrant (n) : ngu? i nh? p cu 5. connexion (n) : m? i quan h? 6. discard (v) : v? t b? , th? i h? i 7. administrative (adj) : (thu? c) hanh chinh 8. commercial (adj) : (thu? c) thuo ng m? i 9. concomitantly (adv) : di doi v? i, d? ng th? i 10. pre-eminence (n) : suu vi? t hon h? n 11. evoke (v): g? i len 12. innumerable (adj) : vo s? 13. substantial (adj) : l? n lao, dang k? , quan tr? ng 14. avidity (n) : s? khat khao 15. appeal (n) : s? h? p d? n Anh da co nh? ng dong gop l? n nh? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon Ngon ng? ma b? n co nghi r? ng da co nh? g dong gop l? n nh? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon gi? a nh? ng ngu? i c? a th? gi? i? Loai ngu? i du? c chia m? t da d? ng c? a ngon ng? , nhi? u trong s? do da d? n d? dong m? t vai tro quan tr? ng trong cac v? n d? c? a th? gi? i. M? t s? ph? n anh it cho th? y t? m quan tr? ng c? a m? t ngon ng? co lien quan ch? y? u v? i nh? ng y tu? ng va ki? n th? c trong do. Nh? ng y tu? ng hon m? t ngon ng? co th? truy? n d? t cho ngu? i dan tren th? gi? i, cang co nhi? u no s? du? c s? d? ng b? i nh? ng ngu? i ? kh? p m? i noi. Nhu v? y, ngon ng? du? c s? d? ng r? g rai nh? t la ngon ng? ma lam cho s? dong gop l? n nh? t d? i v? i s? ti? n b? c? a con ngu? i va hi? u bi? t l? n nhau gi? a con ngu? i. No khong th? ph? nh? n r? ng ngay nay cac ngon ng? du? c s? d? ng r? ng rai nh? t la ti? ng Anh. Co r? t it qu? c gia ma ngon ng? nay khong hi? u ho? c s? d? ng. Ngay c? cac nu? c ma rao gi? ng long cam thu cho t? t c? m? i th? ti? ng Anh, bao g? m c? ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, trong cu? c d? u tranh gianh d? c l? p kh? i ach th? ng tr? c? a Anh nhu ? n D? , th? y kho khan d? phan chia v? i ngon ng? nay sau khi h? da tr? thanh d? c l? p. Do do, h? hong ch? ti? p t? c s? d? ng ti? ng Anh trong m? i linh v? c c? a ho? t d? ng cong c? ng nhung cung b? t d? u khuy? n khich vi? c s? d? ng va nghien c? u v? ngon ng? ti? ng Anh lam phuong ti? n d? d? t du? c ti? n b? t? c va th? ng nh? t. Nh? ng n? l? c tren m? t ph? n c? a cac qu? c gia khac nhau tren th? gi? i chuy? n t? i m? t y tu? ng v? t? m quan tr? ng c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. No s? la giao hoa, tuy nhien, xem xet cac ly do c ho vi? c s? d? ng r? ng rai c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. M? t trong nh? ng ly do la m? t s? qu? c gia tren th? gi? i da b? chi? m dong b? i ch? y? u la ngu? nh? p cu t? nu? c Anh nhu Hoa K? , Uc va New Zealand. Do do, khong ng? c nhien khi ngu? i dan nu? c nay da ti? p t? c s? d? ng ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, m? c du h? da c? t d? t tinh tr? ng d? c l? p c? a h? , cho ngu? i ta khong th? lo? i b? ngon ng? m? t cach d? dang. M? t ly do khac la, trong qua trinh l? ch s? , m? t s? lu? ng l? n cac qu? c gia tren kh? p th? gi? i da tr? c ti? p du? i s? cai tr? c? a Anh, noi ma ti? ng Anh da du? c th? c hi? n ngon ng? chinh cho hanh chinh, thuong m? i va t? t c? cac m? c dich khac. Nhu s? c m? nh thu? c d? a hang d? u tren th? gi? i, Anh da th? s? t? o du? c m? t ? nh hu? ng sau s? c d? n cac v? n d? c? a th? gi? i, m? c du thu? c d? a c? a no nhanh chong tr? thanh d? c l? p sau khi khac. D? ng th? i, ti? ng Anh cung da d? n d? dong m? t vai tro hang d? u trong giao ti? p qu? c t?. Vi th? , nhi? u ngu? i ma ti? ng m? d? khong ph? i la ti? ng Anh da h? c ti? ng Anh va tr? thanh th? o hon v? i ti? ng Anh hon v? i ngon ng? c? a h?. Di? u nay d? c bi? t dung v? i cac nha lanh d? o c? a nh? ng ngu? i ma ti? ng Anh la m? t ngon ng? nu? c ngoai. K? t qu? la, cac ngon ng? ti? ng Anh du? c s? d? ng b? i chung khong ch? rong chinh quy? n c? a cac qu? c gia c? a h? ma con trong t? t c? cac t? ch? c c? a h? v? h? c t? p cao hon. Ly do quan tr? ng nh? t cho s? uu vi? t c? a ngon ng? ti? ng Anh, tuy nhien, la no la ngu? n g? c c? a t? t c? ki? n th? c. Cu? c cach m? ng cong nghi? p b? t d? u ? Anh va lan sang cac nu? c khac cho th? y thien tai ti? ng Anh cho sang ch?. Ngay c? nh? ng th? ch? chinh tr? va xa h? i c? a nu? c Anh, ma da b? ?nh hu? ng m? nh b? i cu? c cach m? ng cong nghi? p, da khoi d? y s? ngu? ng m? c? a t? t c? cac nu? c. Ki? n th? c, y tu? ng, kinh nghi? m va suy nghi sau s? c c? ngu? i dan Anh da th? c hi? n m? t ? n tu? ng sau s? c trong suy nghi c? a ngu? i dan cac nu ? c khac. Vo s? sach da du? c vi? t b? ng ngon ng? ti? ng Anh tren t? t c? cac nganh nghien c? u, va nhu v? y la con khat c? a cac h? c gi? Anh bi? t va mong mu? n truy? n d? t no c? a h? , r? ng h? th? m chi con d? ch cu? n sach co gia tr? l? n t? ngon ng? khac ti? ng Anh cho cac l? i ich c? a t? t c?. Nha van c? a cac dan t? c khac cung da vi? t m? t s? lu? ng l? n cac cu? n sach b? ng ti? ng Anh va co dong gop dang k? cho vi? c lam giau ngon ng? ti? ng Anh. La k? t qu? c? a t? t c? nh? g n? l? c nay, ti? ng Anh da tr? thanh con du? ng chinh d? cac kho l? n nh? t c? a thong tin. Do do, m? i ngu? i ? kh? p m? i noi da phat tri? n m? t s? ton tr? ng d? c bi? t cho ngon ng? va h? ti? p t? c tim hi? u no v? i s? khao khat. Nhu ngon ng? ti? ng Anh du? c s? d? ng r? t r? ng rai, ch? y? u la trong ngon ng? nay la ngu? i c? a th? gi? i giao ti? p va hi? u nhau. Khong co ngon ng? khac co m? t khang cao r? ng. Theo y ki? n c? a toi, no la ngon ng? ti? ng Anh ma da co nh? ng dong gop l? n n h? t vao vi? c thuc d? y s? hi? u bi? t t? t hon trong nhan dan tren th? gi? i.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Advantages and Disadvantages of One Mass Media Essay Example

The Advantages and Disadvantages of One Mass Media Essay Example The Advantages and Disadvantages of One Mass Media Paper The Advantages and Disadvantages of One Mass Media Paper Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of one mass media Writing In the modern twenty-first century, media has played an irreplaceable role of people’s daily life. Among many kinds of mass media like TV, newspaper, books†¦ the Internet stands out to be one of the most important and essential kinds of media, even considered as the most crucial one. The Internet has greatly benefit human in the modern life since the first day of its existence, despite having been existing for only one century, much less than other kind of media, such as the radio and the television, the Internet has proved itself to be very effective, convenient and entertaining to its users. The first to mention is that Information has been made available easily because of this wonderful technology. Search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available for everyone in a matter of few seconds. Whether this information is about the latest news happenings in the world or information about your favorite celebrity, everything is available at your fingertips. With this housing tool of information, people cannot only easily improve their knowledge, but also save much time of reading hundreds of books at the library or doing some exhaustive researches. This enormous amount of information is particularly quite valuable to students who need it for their school subjects and further study in their favorite subjects. Furthermore, now many books are being converted into the digital editions, and e-education have become very popular and has been considered quite useful, the source of information now not just stop at the library or in the classroom, but available online everywhere. The second but not less important is that it brings people great convenience. With email and many social networks, communication now has become easier than ever, in other words, the internet has opened up a new era for communication. It is now quite easy for us to send a message to a friend across the globe in just a nick of time with only a click, which seemed to be impossible 70 years ago. This also allow businesses to expand more widely and develop much faster than before, they can communicate with their customers and co-workers, who may live all around the world via Internet. The chat room, conference and even chat with webcam, which allows you to talk as if the person you’re talking to is right next to you, is now also available thanks to internet. Also, shopping has had a complete makeover on account of the contribution of the Internet. Online shopping now is so convenient that they have many websites selling a variety of products of products online and one just needs to select or bid for the desired product and the entire financial transactions can be conducted through the internet. Transferring money no longer so money-consuming, with some action on the keyboard, your money can be transferred safely to where you want it to be. Last but not least, the entire entertainment industry has been completely revolutionized by this marvelous invention of man. There is not a need for you to go to the cinema to watch a movie any more, just sit back comfortably in your couch and enjoy it on your computer. There are now many companies offering you services to let you download the movie or may even watch it online via their fast Internet connection. Just like that, now you can download your favorite songs, videos, images to your PC or laptop almost free of charge, there are number of software that allow you to download and share your music and videos. Moreover, Internet gaming now is very popular, it allows gamers to compete with each other on the game even if they are staying far apart. The Internet also create chances for people from different cultures and background to share their thoughts, have fun and make friends. Likewise, it also help people finding their soul mates with online dating. In conclusion, modern life and business has become easier and the world markets have shrunk thanks to the immense contribution of the internet technology to communication and information sharing, it not only allows for ease in communication through email but also ensures easy availability of information, images, and products among other things, every day the Internet provides us with many facilities that is immensely convenient and make life much easier for many people all around the globe. _____________Nguyen Duc Anh – CNN 10A __________

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Profile of Author Lois Lowry, Newbery Medal Winner

Profile of Author Lois Lowry, Newbery Medal Winner Author Lois Lowry is best known for The Giver, her dark, thought-provoking, and controversial fantasy, which is a young adult novel, and for Number the Stars, a childrens novel about the Holocaust. Lois Lowry received the prestigious Newbery Medal for each of these books. However, what many people dont know is that Lowry has written more than thirty books for children and young teens, including several series. Dates: March 20, 1937 - Also Known As:  Lois Ann Hammersberg   Personal Life Although Lois Lowry grew up with an older sister and a younger brother, she reports, I was a solitary child who lived in the world of books and my own vivid imagination. She was born in Hawaii on March 20, 1937. Lowrys father was in the military, and the family moved a lot, spending time in various states and in Japan. After two years at Brown University, Lowry married. Like her father, her husband was in the military and they moved a good deal, finally settling in Cambridge, Massachusetts when he entered law school. They had four children, two boys and two girls (tragically, one of their sons, an Air Force pilot, died in a plane crash in 1995). The family lived in Maine while the children were growing up. Lowry received her degree from the University of Southern Maine, went to graduate school, and began writing professionally. After her divorce in 1977, she returned to Cambridge, Massachusetts where she still lives; she also spends time at her home in Maine. Books and Accomplishment Lois Lowrys first book, A Summer to Die, which was published by Houghton Mifflin in 1977, was awarded the International Reading Association’s Children’s Book Award. According to Lois Lowry, after hearing from young readers about the book, I began to feel, and I think this is true, that that audience that youre writing for, when you write for kids, you are writing for people who can still be affected by what you write in ways that might change them. Lois Lowry has written more than thirty books for young people, from 2 year-olds to teens, and has received numerous honors. Lowry received the prestigious John Newbery Medal for two of her books: Number the Stars and The Giver. Other honors include the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award and the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award. Some of Lowrys books, like the Anastasia Krupnik and Sam Krupnik series, provide a humorous look at daily life and are geared for readers in grades 4-6 (8 to 12-year-olds). Others, while targeting the same age level, are more serious, such as Number the Stars, a story about the Holocaust. One of her series, which she is planning to expand, the Gooney Bird Greene series, targets even younger children, those in grades 3-5 (7 to 10-year-olds). Many of Lois Lowrys most serious, and highly-regarded, books are considered young adult books. They are written for children in grades 7 and up (12-years-old and up). They include A Summer to Die, and The Giver fantasy trilogy, which became a quartet in fall 2012 with the publication of Lowrys Son. In discussing her books, Lois Lowry explained, My books have varied in content and style. Yet it seems that all of them deal, essentially, with the same general theme: the importance of human connections. A Summer to Die, my first book, was a highly fictionalized retelling of the early death of my sister, and of the effect of such a loss on a family. Number the Stars, set in a different culture and era, tells the same story: that of the role that we humans play in the lives of our fellow beings.   Censorship and The Giver The Giver is 23rd on the American Library Associations list of the Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009. To learn more, see In Their Own Words: Authors Talk About Censorship, in which Lowry discusses reactions to The Giver and states, Submitting to censorship is to enter the seductive world of The Giver: the world where there are no bad words and no bad deeds. But it is also the world where choice has been taken away and reality distorted. And that is the most dangerous world of all. Website and Social Media Presence Lois Lowrys official website has been redesigned and the new, improved website debuted in September 2011. It is divided into five main sections: New Stuff, Blog, About, Collections and Videos. Lois Lowry also provides her email address and a schedule of appearances. The New Stuff area contains information about new books. Lowry uses her blog to describe her daily life and share interesting stories. Both adults and young fans will enjoy her blog. The About area of the site contains three sections: Biography, Awards, and F.A.Q. The Biography section consists of a first-person account of Lois Lowrys life, written for her readers. It contains lots of links to family photos, many of which are from Lois childhood. There are also photos of Lois as a bride and photos of her children and grandchildren. The Awards section provides a good bit of information about the John Newbery Medal (Lowry has two) and a long list of all of the other awards she has received. In the entertaining F.A.Q. section, she answers specific, and sometimes amusing, questions that readers have asked her. According to Lowry, the most frequently asked question is, How do you get your ideas? There are also such serious questions as A parent from my school wants to ban The Giver. What do you think about that? The Collections area includes Books Speeches and Pictures. In the Books section, there is information on all of the books in her Anastasia Krupnik series, Sam Krupnik series, her books about the Tates,  The Giver  trilogy, and her Gooney Bird books, as well as her other books, including her first Newbery Medal winner, Number the Stars. The Speeches section of the Collections area, the only area specifically directed to adults, includes more than a half-dozen speeches, each available in PDF format. My favorite is her 1994 Newbery Medal acceptance speech because of all of the information she gives about how specific life experiences influenced her writing of The Giver. The Pictures section includes photos of Lois Lowrys home, her family, her travels and her friends. Sources: Lois Lowrys website, Lois Lowrys Reading Rockets interview, American Library Association, Random House

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Various Institutions of Social Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Various Institutions of Social Structure - Essay Example The Conflict Paradigm applies in this scenario as the institutions in place in New Orleans were for the protection of the wealthy while the poor were exploited. After the hurricane had passed, the pictures coming out of the city showed the plight of poor, mostly African American, and this further strengthened the Conflict Paradigm. When FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) started giving out help, it required that aid recipients register online or through an 800 number. Once again the social structure favored those with an internet or phone connection and those really needing the aid had no way to ask for it. In the months following the Hurricane, as New Orleans was being resettled, the rich and the wealthy were the first to return while the poor are still struggling and living as refugees all over the country. This, once again, only reinforces the conflict paradigm. 1b) According to the Functionalist Paradigm the â€Å"member of the society see the social structure as legitimate and therefore strive to maintain that social structure.† The Functionalist Paradigm sees the social structure as being stable and in equilibrium and its members striving to maintain the status quo. Post-Katrina was a time of rapid change in New Orleans. The social structure quickly moved to a balanced stable society and the various social institutions chipped in to help rebuild the city. However, once a certain level of stability had been achieved, i.e. once a certain number of citizens had returned and resumed their normal life, the stabilization process slowed down. This resulted in a new equilibrium being set in the post-Katrina New Orleans.